Research nearly 4,500 firms with our United States Database, or get local with our Regional Databases.

The United States Database profiles nearly 4,500 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in all 50 states.

The New York Database profiles nearly 700 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in New York City, New York State, and Southwestern Connecticut.

The Silicon Valley Database profiles nearly 650 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay area.

The Massachusetts Database profiles more than 400 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors.

The Midwest Database profiles nearly 500 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.

The Mid-Atlantic Database profiles more than 400 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington D.C.

The Southeast Database profiles nearly 400 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Mississippi and Tennessee.

The Southern California Database profiles more than 300 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Los Angeles and San Diego.

The Texas Database profiles nearly 350 Venture Captial, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors.

The Rocky Mountain Database profiles nearly 300 Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Office, and Angel Investors in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.

AffluenceIQ is the only Database providing intelligence on the highest net worth families in Massachusetts. Wealth Managers and Non-Profits will find a treasure trove of new prospects. Export results to PDF and Excel.

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