ALY Holdings is a private investment vehicle operated by three former PE executives. ALY focuses its efforts on a small group of companies where it can work alongside committed management teams to implement strategic and tactical plans to grow long-term value. ALY's principals are private equity veterans with significant investing, operating and strategy consulting experience gained at leading companies such as Procter & Gamble, Hewlett Packard, Bain & Company, Halpern, Denny & Company, and Ampersand Capital Partners. Unlike institutional private equity funds investing in a large portfolio of companies using other investors' capital, ALY invests its partners' capital. ALY closed its first acquisition in 2013, working closely with a divisional management team to carve-out and purchase the business from its public company parent. The firm targets New England based companies with revenues of $10-50 Million and EBITDA greater than $1 Million. Focus industries include: Chemical, Food, Instrumentation, Industrial, Wholesale Distribution, Consumer, and Healthcare services.