The Ballast Fund invests in selected opportunities across an array of asset classes, including: early stage/start-up, private equity and public equities. The Ballast Fund partners are a group of accredited, high net worth, successful entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders with experience across a range of industries. Ballast Venture Fund (BVF) is the early-stage investment arm of The Ballast Fund, comprised of successful entrepreneurs and investors who started, built, managed and sold several businesses to Fortune 500 Companies. BVF focuses on start-up and early-stage companies looking to raise start-up/series seed capital, typically in the $100k to $1M range, and later stage companies seeking private equity via syndicated investments starting at $1 million and up. The firm's primary focus is on: (i) innovative IT/software/Internet businesses (ii) offering a compelling and focused value proposition with (iii) a strong and dedicated management team (iv) in the pre-venture capital round of financing. BVF invests in companies located in the greater Washington, DC/Northern Virginia area, Colorado, and China where the firm's partners reside. BVF may consider investments in other geographical areas given the right circumstances.