The CASE Center (at Syracuse University) incubator looks to attract and assist start-up or young technology companies, with long-term potential for high growth of revenues and profits. CASE has been a designated New York State Center of Advanced Technology (CAT) for more than 24 years and works with over 60 companies nationwide, leveraging $1M in annual state investment with required $1.25M matching funds from industry. CASE looks to foster expertise and support research and development projects in a wide range of information-intensive systems from social behavior to financial transactions. Current focus areas include data fusion, data mining, control systems design, systems modeling and analysis, systems security and assurance, bioinformatics, intelligent computing, sensor networks and management, microwave systems and antenna design, communication systems and networks. Companies must fit within the CASE focus areas of High-Assurance Software and Systems/Information Assurance, Distributed Net-working and Data Mining, and Wireless Telecommunications. The Center's total economic impact, as measured by the state over the last 20 years has been over $500M.