Dell Ventures is the strategic investment arm of Dell Computer Corporation, and can invest from $2-15 million into a round, with the normal investment averaging $3-5 million. Dell Ventures is investing in early-to-growth companies in core areas: Storage/Servers/Networking/Security; Cloud computing/Virtualization; BI/Analytics/Big data; Mobility/End user computing; and Software. Another initiative, the Dell Ventures Fluid Storage Fund, is a cross-functional effort at Dell, in which Dell's in-house storage experts are working side-by-side with the Dell Ventures invest. Dell Ventures seeks to invest $60M in game-changing enterprise storage start-ups, funding cloud storage, memory based storage and next-gen-storage architectures. In December of 2013, Dell launched a $300 million Strategic Innovation Venture Fund. This fund will enable Dell to invest in early-to-growth-stage companies in emerging technology areas including storage, cloud computing, big data, next-generation data center, security and mobility. Since 2012, the DTC team has invested more than $1.5B in 145+ early-stage teams building technologies.