FI  Dellin Investments

     Office Locations:

1922 Green Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: 215-850-0484



  • Early
  • Middle Market



  • Consumer Products & Services
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences & Healthcare
  • Medical Device



    The Dellin Investments group was founded in 2010 by Frank van Lint as a private investment firm. Frank van Lint is an experienced private equity investor with over 20 years of experience in investing in the lower middle market, both directly and through funds. Frank serves on the Board of several investment funds, and has a particular expertise in structuring cross-border investment vehicles and navigating the related tax considerations. Dellin Investments invests in long positions in a variety of assets, with complex portfolio-constructions and aggressive risk-management techniques. Dellin invests in US small and mid cap companies through fund of funds and co-investment funds. It has a strong focus on making direct co-investments (sidecar investments) in collaboration with its strategic partners. For early stage, Dellin Investments is actively working with Keiretsu Forum Mid Atlantic. Dellin takes an active role in evaluating and selecting early stage companies and focuses on health care and technology. Dellin also takes an active role in evaluating and selecting search funds. It also helps search funds in their search process, during due diligence, closing of deals, managing and growing the company and at exiting the company.

    Investment Firm Key

       VC = Venture Capital
       PE = Private Equity
       A = Angel
       I = Incubator
       MB = Merchant Bank
       VD = Venture Debt
       FI = Family Investment Office
       FOF = Fund of Funds
       ED = Economic Development Office   
       TT = Technology Transfer Office
       CVC = Corporate Venture Capital
       SEC = Secondary Purchaser
       HF = Hedge Fund/Mutual Fund
    Venture Capital
    Seed Stage
    (includes "pre-seed," or
    concept stage)
    No Revenue
    Early StageMinimal
    Growth Stage
    (also called Mid-stage)
    Expansion Stage
    (also called Late-stage)
    $7M and greater
    Private Equity
    Lower Middle Market$10M-$249M
    Middle Market$250M-$499M
    Upper Middle Market$500M-$1B
    Large Cap>$1B

    Investment Team:

    Name   Title
    Get the complete investment team + individual email addresses for investment team partners. Get personal images, LinkedIn links, investment specialties, office locations and more with a National Database subscription.
    Daan Staffhorst Investment Director
    Frank van Lint Managing Director
    Gijs van Thiel Investment Committee
    Jack Warnock Senior Vice President
    Lisa Lobree Accounting Manager


    Portfolio companies include:

      747 CAPITAL








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