GMB Mezzanine Capital, LP (GMB) makes private mezzanine investments in lower middle-market companies throughout the United States. GMB-II is managed by Lakeside Capital Management, LLC. GMB-II is a licensed Small Business Investment Company and is the second SBIC formed and managed by Lakeside. The first GMB fund (GMB-I) invested $206 million in 29 companies. GMB-II, the current fund, is $240 million. The firm targets companies with EBITDA greater than $3 million and with annual revenues greater than $10 million. GMB will invest in a variety of leveraged acquisition, recapitalization, growth/expansion and buyout transactions. The firm's target investments range in size from $3 million to $30 million, and GMB will participate in larger mezzanine investments with co-investment partners. GMB invests in a diverse mix of products, customers, geographic markets, and suppliers, but will not invest in companies based outside the United States or in real estate, farmland, mining, or oil production. Preferred industries are manufacturing, distribution, fabrication, and service businesses.