The Great Lakes Innovation and Development Enterprise (GLIDE), founded in 2001, is a comprehensive regional innovation center, resource hub, and business incubator that supports all facets of the start-up, development, and growth of enterprises. Created by a partnership between the Lorain County Commissioners, Lorain County Community College, and the Ohio Department of Development, GLIDE's objective is to grow jobs and spearhead economic growth in both Lorain County and the Northern Ohio region. GLIDE has worked with more than 6,842 entrepreneurs since its inception in May 2001. Rather than reinvent services currently offered within Northern Ohio, GLIDE's role is to provide free linkage for entrepreneurs to existing service providers and to find ways to fill the gaps for services not currently offered. GLIDE has developed an extensive network of service providers in areas such as capital funding, sales and marketing, legal and financial assistance, human resource development, and IT support. In July 2006, GLIDE was designated an Edison Technology Incubator. This award allows GLIDE to support entrepreneurs, often with limited resources, to further develop their product or service. Its portfolio companies have grown revenue by $89 million.