Invested Development is an impact investment management firm. Founded in 2009, ID is a leading innovator in early-stage financing for tech startups. ID funds startups that are committed to serving the world's underserved markets. In 2011, ID launched the BSP Fund, a seed-stage equity fund for mobile/ICT, alternative energy, and agricultural technology startups. To date, the BSP Fund has made thirteen investments across eight countries. After seeing the working capital strain that startups face in emerging markets, ID responded with the Impact Factoring Fund (IFF) in 2012. The IFF provides working capital to growth-stage technology companies in emerging markets. We focus on seed-stage, for-profit social enterprises with innovative solutions for underserved populations. ID targets companies seeking equity fundings from $100,000 to $500,000. The firm announced in 2013 that it has closed its flagship fund, the BSP Fund, at $20 million.