VC  Kinetic Ventures

     Office Locations:

75 Fifth Street N.W., Suite 3515
Atlanta, GA 30308
Phone: 404-995-8811
Fax: 404-995-4455

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  • Early
  • Growth
  • Seed



  • Communications & Networking
  • Energy & Clean Tech
  • Information Technology
  • Semiconductor



    Since 1985, Kinetic Ventures has organized and managed eight venture funds and invested in over 100 companies. Kinetic invests primarily in early stage companies, selectively considering seed and growth stage companies as well. The firm invests in three major areas: Communications, Information Technology and Power/Clean Technology. The size of investment ranges from $2 million to $7 million. Kinetic invests in companies across the United States, and selectively in Canada and outside of North America. For larger investments, Kinetic will arrange a syndicate of investors.



      Fund Name



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    Investment Firm Key

       VC = Venture Capital
       PE = Private Equity
       A = Angel
       I = Incubator
       MB = Merchant Bank
       VD = Venture Debt
       FI = Family Investment Office
       FOF = Fund of Funds
       ED = Economic Development Office   
       TT = Technology Transfer Office
       CVC = Corporate Venture Capital
       SEC = Secondary Purchaser
       HF = Hedge Fund/Mutual Fund
    Venture Capital
    Seed Stage
    (includes "pre-seed," or
    concept stage)
    No Revenue
    Early StageMinimal
    Growth Stage
    (also called Mid-stage)
    Expansion Stage
    (also called Late-stage)
    $7M and greater
    Private Equity
    Lower Middle Market$10M-$249M
    Middle Market$250M-$499M
    Upper Middle Market$500M-$1B
    Large Cap>$1B

    Investment Team:

    Name   Title
    Get the complete investment team + individual email addresses for investment team partners. Get personal images, LinkedIn links, investment specialties, office locations and more with a National Database subscription.
    Campbell Lanier Senior Director
    Deb Rand Managing Director
    Jake Tarr Managing Director
    Nelson Chu Managing Director
    Sydney Shepherd Chief Financial Officer


    Portfolio companies include:

        web link

        web link


        web link


        web link


      Clear Standards

        web link

        web link


      Hot Schedules


        web link

      PlumSlice Labs
        web link

      Point Broadband

        web link



      Tower Cloud


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