Mass Medical Angels (MA2) was founded to answer the need for a dedicated life-science centric angel group in New England. The group's focus is on early stage life science and healthcare companies looking to raise $250K to $3.0M. Depending on the amount of funding needed, MA2 can fund all or a portion of the round and will work closely with other angel groups or venture funds in the area to complete the round. The group is looking for companies that are extremely capital efficient opportunities where its funds will lead to significant step-ups in valuation to avoid unfavorable future funding rounds. MA2's target is a 5x return within 5 years. The group will consider investments in companies in medical devices, therapeutics, diagnostics, health services, health related IT, and healthcare-relevant laboratory instruments. The group's investment is targeted to be between $200,000 and $700,000. The fund was launched by Richard Anders, a long time Boston-area entrepreneur, publisher, and financier.