ED  Missouri Technology Corporation


     Office Locations:

301 West High Street, Suite 770
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-751-3934
Fax: 573-526-8202



  • Early



  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences & Healthcare



    The Missouri Technology Corporation is a public-private partnership created by the Missouri General Assembly to promote entrepreneurship and foster the growth of new and emerging high-tech companies. Aside from administrating two separate programs to fund research in universities and elsewhere in Missouri, the corporation funds several programs across the state to support the growth of innovative businesses in Missouri, and maintains relationships with ten different innovation center incubators. The corporation is governed by a board of directors appointed by Missouri's governor. MTC's Seed Capital Co-Investment program (SeedCap) is designed to accelerate private investment in Missouri-based start-up companies and to increase the overall investment impact of that third-party investment. Through this program, MTC will award seed capital funds that match other capital investments. MTC's Venture Capital Co-Investment program (VCCI) is designed to accelerate private venture capital investment in Missouri-based start-up companies and to increase the overall investment impact of that third-party investment. Through this program, MTC will award venture capital funds that match other capital investments. The Missouri TechLaunch program supports life science and technology startups through matching equity or convertible debt investments up to $100,000 for the purpose of technology and business development. Since 2010, MTC has invested over $49 million in more than 150 early-stage Missouri-based high-growth technology-focused companies. Since 2018, portfolio companies have gone on to raise over $1.6 billion in additional private capital.

    Investment Firm Key

       VC = Venture Capital
       PE = Private Equity
       A = Angel
       I = Incubator
       MB = Merchant Bank
       VD = Venture Debt
       FI = Family Investment Office
       FOF = Fund of Funds
       ED = Economic Development Office   
       TT = Technology Transfer Office
       CVC = Corporate Venture Capital
       SEC = Secondary Purchaser
       HF = Hedge Fund/Mutual Fund
    Venture Capital
    Seed Stage
    (includes "pre-seed," or
    concept stage)
    No Revenue
    Early StageMinimal
    Growth Stage
    (also called Mid-stage)
    Expansion Stage
    (also called Late-stage)
    $7M and greater
    Private Equity
    Lower Middle Market$10M-$249M
    Middle Market$250M-$499M
    Upper Middle Market$500M-$1B
    Large Cap>$1B

    Investment Team:

    Name   Title
    Get the complete investment team + individual email addresses for investment team partners. Get personal images, LinkedIn links, investment specialties, office locations and more with a National Database subscription.
    Amy Steinman Finance and Compliance Administrator
    Dr. Jack Scatizzi Executive Director
    Julia Campbell IDEA Fund Manager


    Recent Funding Events (trailing 12 months):







      Maximum Fidelity Surgical Simulations





    Portfolio companies include:


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