PE  Nicolet Capital Partners

     Office Locations:

525 West Monroe Street, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60661
Phone: 773-404-8414
Fax: 253-540-2700



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    Nicolet Capital Partners, LLC, located in Chicago, IL, is a private equity firm that invests in established businesses that have a meaningful, distinct and sustainable market position. The firm's interests encompass a wide range of basic industries including manufacturing, distribution, service-oriented and consumer product companies. Investment candidates will typically have revenues of $30 - $300 million and exhibit a mature operating profile as evidenced by cash operating income earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and certain other non-cash charges (EBITDA) in excess of $7 million and at least $25 million of revenue. Nicolet Capital's equity investments generally range from $20 to $75 million and may represent either a majority equity interest or a minority ownership position. Nicolet Capital has a formal, pre-arranged funding relationship with Sankaty Advisors, LLC.

    Investment Firm Key

       VC = Venture Capital
       PE = Private Equity
       A = Angel
       I = Incubator
       MB = Merchant Bank
       VD = Venture Debt
       FI = Family Investment Office
       FOF = Fund of Funds
       ED = Economic Development Office   
       TT = Technology Transfer Office
       CVC = Corporate Venture Capital
       SEC = Secondary Purchaser
       HF = Hedge Fund/Mutual Fund
    Venture Capital
    Seed Stage
    (includes "pre-seed," or
    concept stage)
    No Revenue
    Early StageMinimal
    Growth Stage
    (also called Mid-stage)
    Expansion Stage
    (also called Late-stage)
    $7M and greater
    Private Equity
    Lower Middle Market$10M-$249M
    Middle Market$250M-$499M
    Upper Middle Market$500M-$1B
    Large Cap>$1B

    Investment Team:

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    Brett A. Snyder President
    Mark Stevens Advisor


    Portfolio companies include:


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