Republic Holdings Corporation is the personal family office of The Kramer Family. It has been in existence for over 25 years and is located in Greenwich, Connecticut. It manages and monitors all of the Republic Family of Companies' portfolio companies and related entities. Additionally, it invests in real estate, public and private equities, and various corporate situations. Richard Kramer is Chairman of the Board of the Republic Family of Companies, whose primary focus is the development, management and ownership of investment grade real estate. Over the past four decades Mr. Kramer and the Republic Family of Companies have developed approximately 29,000,000 square feet of real estate representing an investment at cost of over $8 Billion. Additionally, Republic currently has over $2 Billion of new projects under construction and development in the Washington, D.C SMSA, Denver, Philadelphia, the San Jose/San Francisco/Silicon Valley markets, and the Southeast part of the United States.