UNM Rainforest Innovations (formerly known as the STC.UNM and Science & Technology Corporation @ UNM) is a nonprofit corporation formed and owned entirely by the University of New Mexico Board of Regents (UNM). UNM Rainforest Innovations nurtures innovation and economic development for the UNM community. UNM Rainforest Innovations does this by protecting technologies developed at UNM and transferring these technologies to the marketplace, via starting new companies and transferring technologies to established companies. Since 1996, UNM Rainforest Innovations, the University's technology transfer arm, has spun off 57 start-up companies from UNM technologies. In 2009 alone, UNM start-up companies generated an $18 million impact on the local economy, 162 high-paying jobs, $7 million in revenue, $8.5 million in salaries and benefits, and $18 millions in goods, services and spending. UNM start-ups have raised a total of $12.4 million in venture capital since 2004 and is second in the number of start-up companies created among its 16 peer institutions. The Joseph L. Cecchi VentureLab (CVL)'s incubator provides shared office facilities, business services, mentoring, advice, and the location of the specialized facilities and laboratories required to support life sciences-, physical sciences-, and engineering-oriented ventures.