Founded in 2000, Silicon Pastures is a network of high net worth individuals who invest in early-stage high-tech companies located in the Midwest. Headquartered in Milwaukee, the group will consider investment opportunities located in the following states: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, and North Dakota. Silicon Pastures hosts monthly investment presentations at upscale Milwaukee-area restaurants. Each presentation consists of one or more pre-screened investment opportunities. After the entrepreneurs have made their pitches, members of Silicon Pastures meet privately to discuss the viability of the investment. Each member makes an individual decision whether or not to invest. Prospective companies should be seeking an investment of between $200,000 and $3M over time. A typical angel deal is between $200,000 and $500,000 but it is possible to syndicate with other groups to raise more. The group prefers the following industry sectors: Energy, Water, Municipal Infrastructure, Software, Telephony, Information Technology, Payments Processing, Finance, Metals Recycling, Heavy Industry, Retail, Catalog Sales, Distribution, Logistics, and Healthcare.